Park Development Framework
Lee Valley Regional Park is known and recognised as one of the nation’s great parks; a place that offers a unique combination of activities, sights and experiences.
For over 50 years the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority has been working alongside many partner organisations to transform the post-industrial land along the River Lee into a place for leisure, recreation, sport and nature.
The park is now a mosaic of award-winning open spaces, heritage sites, country parks, farms, golf courses, lakes and riverside trails, campsites, marinas, angling and boating locations. All of these attract more than 7 million visitors a year. In addition, the Park includes a number of new facilities delivered as part of the legacy of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. These facilities include Lee Valley White Water Centre near Waltham Cross, Hertfordshire, Lee Valley VeloPark, and Lee Valley Hockey and Tennis Centres, all within the Olympic Park at Stratford.
Our Park Development Framework is a suite of documents that will collectively provide the blueprint for our future efforts: setting out what we want to achieve, how we plan to balance competing demands, and how we intend to make best use of the limited resources available. We hope it will provide inspiration and focus for the future collective efforts of landowners within the park, our partners, stakeholders and everyone with an interest in the Lee Valley and Lee Valley Regional Park.
The Authority has completed is in the process of preparing a suite of documents, the Park Development Framework, which sets out will establish our aspirations and specific proposals for the future use and development of the Regional Park.
In July 2010, the Authority adopted the Vision, Strategic Aims and Principles followed by adoption of a series of Thematic Proposals in January 2011 which set out development and management proposals on a broad Park-wide thematic basis.

Area Proposals
The thematic proposals have been translated onto area based maps in line with Section 14 of the Lee Valley Regional Park Act 1966 (the Park Act) and provide specific proposals covering the whole Park. These are known as the Area Proposals and replace the previous Park Plan Part Two Proposals. Local planning authorities in whose boundaries the Regional Park lies are required under the provisions of section 14(2) of the Park Act to include the relevant Area Proposals in their Local Plans. Their inclusion does not however imply approval of the local planning authority although clearly it is hoped that by reason of this process there will not be fundamental objection to them.
Click here for chart showing relationship between the various PDF Documents.
Area 1 Proposals
Tidal Reaches to Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park
Area 2 Proposals
The Three Marshes: Walthamstow, Leyton and Hackney
Area 2, the Lea Bridge Road area, extending between Coppermill Lane in the north and Ruckholt Road in the south is the first area to be considered in detail. The Authority carried out two consultations on detailed proposals for this area during Feb/March 2011 and again in July 2011. The final proposals were adopted in October 2011 as 'Area 2 Proposals The Three Marshes: Walthamstow, Leyton and Hackney'. This document is available to view below, a summary of the proposals is presented in an accompanying leaflet also available to view by clicking on the icon below:

Area 3, 4 and 5 Proposals
The Waterlands

Area 6
River Lee Country Park
Area 7
The Wetland Park Spitalbrook to Roydon
Area 8
The Upper Valley Rye Meads to Ware