Lee Valley Regional Park Authority operates and manages a wide range of open spaces, venues and activities – many of which contribute to a range of positive environmental outcomes. However, as with all organisations, our carbon emissions could be reduced and our environmental performance could be improved. We want to be an Environmental Champion and committed to this aspiration by adopting a new Environment Policy on 27 April 2023. This policy will work at reducing the Authority’s carbon footprint, increasing the park’s resilience to climate change and maximising the environmental potential of the 10,000 acre “green lung” which is Lee Valley Regional Park.

Lee Valley Regional Park Authority recognises the current climate crisis and will constantly review its performance in this area.
Our first Environment Policy has now been adopted and can be read below.
We have also written a Strategy and Action Plan. The Strategy has just been finalised and sits under the Policy to enable development of an action plan to deliver carbon reduction activities. The strategy can be read below.
The action plan will be an internal working document that has been developed to look at a range of proposals and actions over the coming years and seek to deliver various actions which will help move the Authority towards a carbon neutral position.
Further updates on the development of this work stream and progress on the action plan will be published on this page as they happen.