Sport & active recreation
In order to achieve Lee Valley Regional Park Authority’s vision to continue to be a world class leisure destination our Sport and Active Recreation Team has the following mission:
“A park that delivers a range of high-quality interventions that encourage people and communities from all walks of life to enjoy the benefits of an active lifestyle.”
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If your organisation has similar
strategic priorities to the Sport and
Active Recreation Team and you would like to discuss the potential of working collaboratively, please contact a member of the team on

Lee Valley Regional Park expands across parts of London, Essex and Hertfordshire, and serves a population of nearly 12 million people. The region is diverse, with different cultures, extremes of deprivation, and varying levels of health inequality, resulting in different barriers to getting physically active.
Our Sport and Active Recreation Team focus their attention on corners of our regional community who are inactive, or less active, working closely with people and communities that are marginalised from society at a local level – whether that be a result of social, political, economic or cultural reasons. To achieve this, and ensure their resources are allocated to the areas of greatest need, the team adopt a place-based approach, working with community partners to identify priorities at a local level, which are unique and vastly different across the 26-mile Lee Valley Regional Park. By taking this approach, the team can focus their attention on the local health inequalities that exist and offer targeted interventions to ensure that LVRPA can actively contribute towards levelling up society.
Sport & active recreation strategy
Our Sport and Active Recreation Team has a 2023 – 2026 Strategy which outlines the direction for the team. The strategy has five strategic areas, which have been developed with extensive national, regional and local insight. This ensures that the work of the team aligns with the priorities of Sport England, Public Health England and NHS England, as well as other regional partner objectives.
Strategic Objective One: Opening up and creating active green spaces and environments
Strategic Objective Two: Creating and sustaining strong and diverse partnerships
Strategic Objective Three: Improving the health and wellbeing of our regional community through a range of physical activity interventions
Strategic Objective Four: Utilising physical activity as a vehicle for positive change
Strategic Objective Five: Opening up our world class venues and using major events to inspire long term legacy

Supporting these strategic objectives, and embedded into the four year strategy, are five ‘Pillars for Success’. These themes, which are highlighted below, remain critical to their work.
Investing in the right people, places, and projects. The team will carefully and efficiently allocate limited resources to projects that directly align to the strategy objectives and achieve the greatest impact. This will ensure the team can maximise their return on investment
Embracing technology. The team will be flexible to, and embrace new technological developments, which enhance the service and the impact they can make
Interventions that are insight led and co-designed with providers that are representative of the diverse communities that we serve. The team will listen and learn from others and use the expertise of specialist providers across different sectors to develop interventions that meet the needs of local people and communities
Embed equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) into all aspects of their work. The team will continue to champion equality, diversity and inclusion and ensure that all of their principles, practices and interventions strive to achieve meaningful change
Measuring impact and continuous improvement. The team will effectively measure and evidence the impact of their interventions on a project-by-project basis. Both physical activity habits and the wider social impact of their work will be measured through the implementation of a robust data capture procedure which is closely aligned to the Sport England Evaluation Framework

The Sport and Active Recreation team
Sport and Active Recreation Manager
Responsible for driving froward our Sport and Active Recreation Strategy over the next four years. Our manager leads on our partnership work and associated community commitments with a range of local, regional and national organisations. This includes ensuring that all of our interventions effectively measure and evidence impact.
Community Health and Wellbeing Officer
Responsible for connecting with the health, physical activity and community sector to co-design and implement a range of health and wellbeing initiatives within the green spaces of Lee Valley Regional Park. This role aims to tackle local health inequalities by reaching people and communities in most need of targeted intervention.
Sport and Active Recreation Officer
Responsible for leading on the delivery of our venue specific development plans at each of the six Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA) leisure venues. This role supports and provides opportunities for community partners to access our venues and services, working collaboratively to utilise sport and physical activity as a vehicle for positive change